An extraordinary general assembly will take place at DTU Electro on May 28th at 12.30. The purpose of the meeting is to fill the vacant seat on the board and amend the statutes so the purpose of the society is clear i the eyes of local law.
The meeting will be held at DTU Electro (room R017, building 343), but since there is limited space available, the meeting will also be hosted on MS teams. For participation please contact and indicate whether you wish to participate in person or remote.
- Appointment of referent.
- Vote on new board member
- The board nominates Stefano Paesani from Niels Bohr Institute
- All other candidates must announce their candidacy via prior to May 28th
- Vote on new board suppleants
- The board nominates Doyinsola Simbiat from DTU Electro
- All candidates must announce their candidacy via prior to May 28th
- Vote on change of statutes regarding status as a society for the general good.
- From “Dansk Optisk Selskab har til formål at….” to “Dansk Optisk Selskab er en almennyttig forening og har til formål at….”
- Adjournment