DOPS General Assembly 2024

All DOPS members are cordially invited to the DOPS general assembly at 15.00 on January 24th at DTU, H. C. Ørsteds Plads 343, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby.

It will be held in room 017 on the ground floor. It is possible to participate via MS Teams. For a link to the meeting please request a link by sending your contact information to no later than Jan 17th.

Topics for the point “Any other business” needs to be submitted to before Jan 17th.


  1. Welcome
  2. Approval of the agenda
  3. Annual reports:
    1. Chairman
    2. Presentation of the financial report 2023
    3. Presentation of the budget for 2024
    4. Approval of the financial report 2023
  4. Approval of the budget for 2024
  5. Approval of auditors for the upcoming year
    • a) The board is nominating Frank Bason
  6. Elections of new officials
    • Board members
      1. Up for election are:
        1. Martin Romme Henriksen
        2. Signe Rolighed Thorsen
        3. Kasper Paasch
      2. Thomas Møller Søndergaard and Anders Clausen has announced they are stepping down from the board.
        • Thomas has been a member of the board for many years and served as the treasurer of the organisation.
        • Anders Clausen has been a member of the board on/off for many years and even served as the Chairman
        • The board would like to thank both Thomas and Anders for their years of service to the Danish optics community.
        • Both their positions are up for election. Applicants are asked to announce their interest to
      3. Chairman
        • Asger Sellerup Jensen runs for reelection
      4. Treassurer
        • The board is receiving nominations
      5. All candidates who wish to run should announce their candidacy to before the general assembly
      6. Suppleants
        • All interested candidates are asked to please indicate their interest and send their contact details to prior to the general assembly.
  7. Other business

200 50 Asger Sellerup Jensen