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National Optics Congress on 30/11 – 1/12

National Optics Congress on 30/11 – 1/12

We are proud to invite you to the National Optics Congress 2022 in Aarhus. This year the Danish Optical Society (DOPS), Laserlab and Center for Anvendt Fotonik (CAF) have joined forces to deliver a unique two day experience in Aarhus for everyone working with optics and photonics.

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Extraordinary General Assembly

Extraordinary General Assembly

Monday January 30th at 15:30 in person at DTU Electro, Ørsteds plads byg 343, Room R017, 2800 Kgs Lyngby. Or join online via MS Teams, link on request by writing an email to .   Purpose of the general assembly is move the ordinary general assembly and accounting period to better match our cashflow…

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